Navigating the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) can be overwhelming for many families and participants, especially when it comes to finding suitable accommodation options. One of the essential services offered by the NDIS is Medium Term Accommodation (MTA), designed to support individuals who require temporary housing while they wait for their permanent living arrangements. In this blog, we’ll explore what MTA is, its benefits, and how it complements other services like Day Programs.

What is Medium Term Accommodation (MTA) in the NDIS?

Medium Term Accommodation (MTA) is a short-term housing solution provided by the NDIS for participants who need a temporary place to live. This could be for individuals transitioning from a hospital or aged care facility to their home, or for those waiting for Supported Independent Living (SIL) or Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) to become available.

MTA funding covers accommodation costs for up to 90 days, ensuring that participants have a safe, supportive environment during this interim period. It’s important to note that while MTA funding covers the housing cost, it doesn’t cover expenses like food, utilities, or other personal costs.

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) | Focused software developer in wheelchair writing server code

Who is Eligible for Medium Term Accommodation?

To qualify for MTA under the NDIS, participants must meet certain criteria. MTA is usually approved for those who:

  • Are transitioning from one form of accommodation to another.
  • Are waiting for long-term housing options such as SIL or SDA.
  • Need temporary accommodation due to significant changes in their current living situation, such as home modifications.

Your NDIS plan will detail whether MTA is included in your funding. If you believe you or your loved one may need MTA but it isn’t currently in the plan, you can request a plan review to have it considered.

How Medium Term Accommodation Can Help

MTA can be a crucial support for participants who are in between permanent living arrangements. Here are a few ways MTA benefits NDIS participants and their families:

  • Peace of Mind: Families can rest assured that their loved one is in a secure, supportive environment while waiting for more permanent housing solutions.
  • Flexibility: MTA offers flexibility, allowing participants to stay in accommodation that suits their unique needs.
  • Supportive Environment: Many MTA providers offer extra supports such as access to therapy, social activities, and skill-building opportunities, ensuring that participants can continue working toward their goals.

Complementing MTA with Day Programs

In addition to finding accommodation, it’s important for NDIS participants to stay engaged with activities that promote independence and social participation. This is where Day Programs come in. Day Programs are structured activities that support NDIS participants in building life skills, improving social connections, and enhancing overall well-being.

Many participants who are in MTA can benefit greatly from attending Day Programs during their stay. These programs provide an opportunity for individuals to:

  • Develop new skills such as cooking, budgeting, and using public transport.
  • Build social connections and interact with others in a supportive environment.
  • Engage in recreational activities that promote physical and mental well-being.

NDIS Accommodation by Capability Care

Choosing the Right Medium Term Accommodation Provider

When it comes to selecting an MTA provider, there are a few factors to consider to ensure the accommodation meets the participant’s needs:

  • Location: Consider the proximity of the accommodation to essential services, family, and Day Programs.
  • Support Services: Ensure that the provider offers access to any additional supports the participant may need, such as assistance with daily activities or access to therapy.
  • Quality of Care: Look for providers with a good reputation for providing high-quality care and support for NDIS participants.

How to Access Medium Term Accommodation and Day Programs Through NDIS

Accessing MTA and Day Programs through the NDIS is relatively straightforward. If you or your loved one requires MTA, speak to your NDIS planner or Local Area Coordinator (LAC). They can help determine if MTA is included in your NDIS plan and guide you through the process of finding suitable accommodation.

Similarly, if you’re interested in enrolling in a Day Program, your planner or LAC can assist in finding programs in your area that align with your goals and needs. Many MTA providers also work closely with Day Programs, making it easy for participants to attend while staying in MTA.


Medium Term Accommodation under the NDIS is a valuable resource for participants who need temporary housing while awaiting permanent solutions. It offers peace of mind, security, and a supportive environment during a period of transition. Coupling MTA with Day Programs can further enrich the participant’s experience, providing opportunities for skill development, social engagement, and overall well-being.

At Capability Care, we understand the importance of finding the right accommodation and support services for NDIS participants. We offer high-quality MTA solutions and a range of Day Programs to help individuals thrive. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support you or your loved one on your NDIS journey.